Dottie Comfort, Sunday Afternoon Cedar Key, watercolor.

Dottie Comfort lived and worked on Cedar Key in the 1940’s, 50’s and 60’s. For many years a Michigan school teacher, Comfort retired to Cedar Key for health reasons. At Cedar Key she worked as a substitute teacher at the Cedar Key School and began giving art lesions to children. Comfort lived in a cottage on G. Street known as Windswept. A watercolorist, her work included landscapes, botanicals, portraits, still lifes, buildings, bridges, and factories. Her paintings of Cedar Key show a quiet, colorful fishing town with happy, hardworking people. Her botanicals show native and tropical flowers in deep colors and detail. In 1967 Comfort and Sally Tileson, a friend and artist from Massachusetts, published a booklet, Cedar Key Legends. Comfort died on Cedar Key in the early 1970’s; her ashes scattered there, in Goose Cove.  

                                           Dottie Comfort, Tuesday Cedar Key, watercolor





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