H. Bernard Robinson, Orlando. Saturday May 18, 1946, Cypress Trees, Lake Maitland, Florida. Oil on board, 12 by 16 inches.
In the late 1940’s and early 1950’s Bernard Robinson was director of the art department of the Orange County Vocational School in Orlando. Robinson was known in Orlando and in his native England for his black and white etchings of historical buildings. Many were reproduced in periodicals and leading British and American newspapers, including the Christian Science Monitor, the Baltimore Sun and the Los Angeles Times. Robinson did a monochrome of Rollins College showing a view of the administration building from the fountain garden.In England Wedgwood and Sons produced a series of dinner ware, using copper plates etched by Robinson. His work was shown annually for over six years in the Orlando Chamber of Commerce lounge.
Born: England.
Membership: Florida Federation of Art: Orlando Art Association; Florida Artist Group; Orange County Vocational School, Orlando.
Exhibits: Florida Federation of Art Annual, 1949, Frank French Memorial Award, best engraving or etching, The Veteran; Florida State Fair, Tampa, February 1949, 2nd prize, pencil or crayon; Woman’s Club of Winter Park, February-March 1952, English etchings and Florida watercolors.