STEWART, Horace Floyd, Seabreeze, Daytona Beach. Watercolor, 6.5 by 10.5 inches, signed lower left, H. F. Stewart, 1900.
Horace Floyd Stewart was one of the first settlers in Dayton Beach, coming to the area in about 1896 with his father, the first pastor of the Daytona Beach Methodist Church. Steward built the Seaside Inn in Daytona in 1905, advertising the hotel and “Directly on the Atlantic Coast. Surf bathing and sea fishing unsurpassed. Rates 2.50 per day.” Steward was a talented artist. The New Smyrna News, May 14, 1915, noted, “H. F. Stewart went over to DeLand Tuesday to visit his brother artist, Mr. Fluhart, who has the chair of art in Stetson University. Messrs. Fluhart and Stewart expect to work up some material they have on hand during the two weeks visit.” Born: 1896, Chicago. Died: December 1916, suddenly in Atlanta. Buried in Daytona Beach.