It’s been six years since I opened this website to introduce The Artists of Old Florida to the public. Two years ago, I was still working in the ER at Bay Pines VA Hospital in St. Petersburg, dividing my time between medicine and research on The Artists. Covid and the Pandemic came along and, at the age of 81, believing the risks to me in remaining in the ER were too great, I retired, telling my colleagues that now I could devote full time to The Artists of Old Florida.
And that’s just what I’ve been doing, adding to a Dictionary of Florida Artists, 1840-1960, editing it, and for the past few months, adding new artists and their bios to Meet the Artists on this website. It’s been fun. Sometime in the next year I hope to begin publication of the Dictionary here.
My webmaster tells me that more and more people are coming. I’m always gratified to see my book downloaded.
I do have an important request for anyone with a Florida painting done between 1840 and 1960. Would you consider allowing me to publish it here with due credit to you? If so, please contacting me at
Well, that’s it for now. Happy New Year, stay well, keep a distance and wear a mask when indoors in public.
Fred Frankel